FB Lead Ad magic tool

In October FB started new ads type: FB Lead Ads. This instrument is a magic tool for all mobile users. Lead advertisement is one of the ways to affect the users loyalty. It is a tremendous possiblity for marketers, who tend to receive the precise accurate data about mobile users: Fist name, Last name, e-mail...

In October FB started new ads type: FB Lead Ads. This instrument is a magic tool for all mobile users.

Lead advertisement is one of the ways to affect the users loyalty. It is a tremendous possiblity for marketers, who tend to receive the precise accurate data about mobile users: Fist name, Last name, e-mail adress, country. Too awersome to be true?

1. What is so special about it?

It helps marketers in a cheap and easy way collect requests form potencial clients directly form news feed. On the other hand users are able to subscibe for news, uipdates and special offers.

2. How it works?

It is possible to customize the form: use different shape, use multiple choice or open questions. Users once clicking the Lead Ad are directed to a FB form, where they can edit and/or confirm the prefilled info, before clicking “Send”.

Basically Lead Ads does not have too many differences comparing to the simple posts on FB. The main difference is that Lead Ads contain registration form. Usually it is automatically pre-filled with user data from FB account and user is able to change it.

The coolest thing about it is that you can choose which Call-To-Action button to use: Download, Sign Up etc.

3. Guide how to create the Lead Ad

Step 1: You will need a Power editor, which you can download here: https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/powereditor/. You can download it only on Google chrome. Once you are done with Power Editor, go to”Create Campaign ” and then click on “Lead Generation”

Step2: Create a new one and click “Edit”. Therfore ads is created for leads by default. Now you have to choose the budget, target audience, schedule.

Step3:Modify your Ad: add picture, descrition, headline and text and the Call-To-Action button.

Step4: Create a Lead form.

It’s quite easy and intuitive, just click in “create new Form”, where you should choose the language and name of your form.

Step 5: Specify whihc user information you want to get.

Just check out the boxex in the Lead Ads form, chosing which information you would like to collenct form users, moreover you can add some Custom Questions.

Step 6: Privacy Policy.

You have to provide a link to your privacy polic and a link to your website.

Taaadaaam, congratulations with your first LeadAd! 🙂

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