Facebook API changes – groups & Page mentions

Due to recent changes that Facebook introduced to their API, 3rd party apps like Postfity have been affected. Currently two features are not available through our platform: publishing to Facebook groups pages mentions We have already raised request through recent Facebook’s approval form to unlock those features, and we are awaiting response. We are sorry...

Due to recent changes that Facebook introduced to their API, 3rd party apps like Postfity have been affected.

Currently two features are not available through our platform:

  • publishing to Facebook groups
  • pages mentions

We have already raised request through recent Facebook’s approval form to unlock those features, and we are awaiting response.

We are sorry for your inconvenience, we wish we could do more but unfortunately we have to wait for response from Facebook.

Recent FB api updates can be found here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/changelog/breaking-changes

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Postfity is a social media management platform that helps users schedule and manage their posts on various social media channels. It allows individuals and businesses to plan and automate their social media content across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others.