Author Archives - admin

How To Use Full Potential of SEO in Social Media?

For many companies, SEO is synonymous with Google. This is not unreasonable, since Google dominates organic search market share at around 65 percent, consistently drubbing its major competitors, Microsoft and Yahoo. Google generates more than 3.5 billion searches per day. But does this situation describe the whole situation? Consider what is happening within these social…

Facebook will Ban Deceptive Advertisers and Scammers!

Facebook continues its war with fake content and will use both artificial intelligence, and human review process to detect and ban advertisers that use disguised or cloaked links. From over a year, Mark Zuckerberg started to aggressively fight with the “dark side” of his social media platform. This action resulted in many changes to the…

What Functionalities does Postfity have to offer?

What are the main functionalities and advantages of our scheduling tool Postfity? Postfity is a social media management tool that helps you with publishing and analyzing the outcome and conversion of your posted content. Within the last few months, we have added a lot of new functionalities to our platform. We would like to bring…