Author Archives - admin

Fresh news from the social media world

There is no faster-changing reality than the social media world. Every day each platform implements new changes as a response to another platform. In this way, it functions as a self-perpetuating machine. That is why below you will find 5 news related to 5 different social media tools. Facebook introduces a new way to present…

Content marketing – generation of trafiic

Content Marketing is what generates most of traffic online. People want to read and hear meaningful things. Don’t let anyone think it’s different. Audience is smart enough to skip unworthy messages. Giving your followers/customers the right information and knowledge should give you more traffic than some shallow sentences. Postfity gives a possibility to create few messages…

Top 5 Instagram inspirations for enterpreneurs

Peeking is not an elegant habit, especially in well-bred community. However, peeking successful entrepreneurs in order to follow their steps and get a little inspiration is forgivable, isn’t it? Following the right people might be very beneficial for both sides. Why? Firstly, the one who already did something useful in order to build the successful brand has…

What is new in social media?

Social media evolve continuously introducing new functions and opportunities. At times, it happens to be quite difficult to keep track of it all. You are going to find a review of the latest news in the world of social media in this article. Even though this is not a comprehensive list, it is going to…