Author Archives - admin

Marketing Video Creation Apps

Nowadays creating an engaging social video is crucial for the business image. Sometimes there is a need to make them in 5 minutes, and some are long-term projects. At Postfity we help you with managing your social media and make your job easier. We sum up few of the best marketing video creation apps. Every…

Social media proof

What social proof is? How is it related to social media? How does it relate to your business promotion? In this article, you will find the answers to those questions. Imagine that you’ve just arrived at the small village in Italy to spend wonderful 2 weeks with your friends. It’s your first time ever in…

Influencer or advocacy marketing?

Have you ever wondered if the decisions you make are your own, personal choice or maybe you’ve been influenced by someone or something? We all live in the world full of information that comes to us from different sources and they stay in subconsciousness, which later has an impact on what we think or do….

Google+ now available in Postfity!

A new feature in Postfity –  Google+ already available! We are glad to announce that Postfity has been granted official Google partnership! Thanks to that we were able to integrate publishing to Google+ into our service. Our new feature might be beneficial for all Postfity users. That’s right – from now on you can schedule your…