Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses — B2B Social Media Inspiration & Tips

Are you ready to step up your social media game? With the noticeable growth of social media popularity, businesses are doing their best to get noticed and recognized on these platforms. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or all social media channels there are, you need to publish fresh content regularly in order to...

Are you ready to step up your social media game?

With the noticeable growth of social media popularity, businesses are doing their best to get noticed and recognized on these platforms. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or all social media channels there are, you need to publish fresh content regularly in order to keep the audience interested. With the high competition and increasing demand for originality, it can get hard to keep your social media campaign running.

However, there is no need to worry. All you need is some motivation and inspiration and you can run your business’s social media campaign like a pro.

???? To help you plan your posts with even less effort in 2020, Postfity has prepared a Social Tips Calendar with ready-to-use post ideas for every day of the month! It’s free and available in every Postfity account now!

Social Media Post Ideas for Business 1

The following tips will give you some ideas on what type of posts are perfect for businesses that are trying to stand out in the social media community. So let’s get started!

Directly Engage with Audience through Questions

Allowing the audience to express themselves on your social media will give your brand a customer-centric reputation.

Ask the audience a question. Post it on Instagram as a picture, on Facebook as a post, or in the form of a Twitter post.

The question can be something personal but yet related to your business. For example, if you sell beauty products, ask them what their biggest beauty secret is or their biggest makeup mistake from the past.

If you can’t think of any question that is connected with your business but interesting for the followers, you can opt for general life questions. Like what is their New Year’s resolution or to list three places that are on their bucket list.

The aim is simply to connect with the audience and invite them to share their hopes, dreams, wishes, and experiences.

Post Customer’s Photos

User-generated content is very valued in the shopping community. Show your customers that you appreciate their trust by posting or reposting their pictures.

When you come across a customer’s photo which displays your product ask them if they would mind if you repost it.

If you can’t find enough user-generated content, reach out to your most loyal customers and ask them if they would like to be a part of your social media strategy. Who wouldn’t like to be featured on their favorite brand’s account?

What makes user-generated content useful is that it is an inexhaustible source of content. Not to mention that user-generated content can increase conversion by 161%.

Social Media Post Ideas for Business 2


Introduce Your Team

Once upon a time when the internet was an unimaginable phenomenon, people were creating connections and establishing a friendly relationship with their sellers.

Even though social media has enabled vast marketing opportunities and business growth, it has broken up the close relationship between the seller and the buyer.

Don’t just be a name on the screen. Allow users to get to know people who make your company. Organize “meet our team” (create a similar hashtag) campaign where you will post each week a picture of your team member. They can introduce themselves in the description. Personal details such as hobbies, favourite things, family, and so on are welcome.

The followers will get more attached to your business if they know people who are hidden behind the screen.

Prepare these posts in advance and just use a free scheduling tool like Postify to update the posts consistently on the same day of the week.

Show Your Company’s Special Days

Have you just opened a new office? Are you having a team-building event? Do you have a casual Friday rule?

Whenever you host some sort of event or whenever something characteristic for your business is happening in your company (maybe you organize margarita Friday after work) show that to your audience.

This will introduce your company’s culture and show that you nurture in-company relations.

Create Polls & Surveys

Polls and surveys are quite popular in the social media community. Use this to your advantage and entertain the audience by creating a poll or a survey.

You can even use a poll to help customers make a decision for your business. For example, if you are repainting the office and you are thorn between light and dark green, ask the audience to help you out. You can use Instagram Story Polls, Twitter Polls, or Facebook Polls. That is completely up to you.

Additionally, you can use polls to ask the users something more casual such as are they a morning person or are they a tea or a coffee person.

Social Media Post Ideas for Business 3


Introduce New Products through Videos

When it comes to visuals, videos have a 135% higher organic reach rate compared to images.

Considering this statistic, think about introducing your new product by creating a video. It can be an introduction video or even a tutorial video. This will give a better representation to the users of what they can expect from that product.

A video will certainly help the customers to envision the benefits of that product more easily.

For a video recording to go smoothly you need to create a script. If you aren’t the most talented writer, head to a review website like PicktheWriter and find a writing company that suits you for this project.

Post about Interesting Facts

Industry facts can keep your followers informed and engaged.

Let’s say that you sell fishing equipment. The type of facts you can share are:

  • Did you know that there are 11.6 million youth participants in fishing in the U.S.?
  • Americans claim that the main positive attribute of fishing is spending time with family and friends.

Once you find the fact or statistic you want to share just add the text to an image and you’ve got yourself a new informative post.

Share Customers’ Testimonials & Reviews

Here’s another example of user-generated content. But this time, instead of using photos of customers, use their testimonials and reviews.

Either post the review you received in the blog comment section, in your email or ask a customer to leave a review.

Pick the most boasting ones and show them on your social media profile.

The same tip for applying the text to images can be used for displaying testimonials or you can simply publish it as a post. It all depends on the social media platform you plan to use.

Social Media Post Ideas for Business 4


Entertain with GIFs and Memes

If you post funny content that makes your followers laugh, you won’t pass unnoticed, that is for sure.

Browse the internet for funny memes or GIFs that are appropriate for your line of business and make the most of it.

For some inspiration, check out how top companies use GIFs on Twitter or how brands use memes on Instagram.

The choices are endless, you just need to do some digging and pick out the best ones.

Holiday-Related Posts

In case you aren’t already doing this, you should know that dressing up your social media for holidays is a must!

Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, or even International Beer Day (if appropriate) should be celebrated on your social media account.

When people are in the holiday spirit, you just have to jump on the wagon.

For example, when Christmas comes around you can go for a simple “Merry Christmas” card-like post or you can post your team’s picture with Santa hats, gifts, or a Christmas tree.

You can even celebrate less known holidays that are somehow related to your company. Let’s say that you are in the food business and you make the best peanut butter cookies. Why not celebrate National Peanut Butter Lovers Day?

Show How It All Started

Do you have a picture of the day you opened your business? Or the first time you stepped into your office? Or maybe even a picture with your first employee?

Add some emotional throwback to the mix by posting images from your beginnings.

This will add a personal touch to your account which the audience loves.

Don’t hesitate to share such personal moments because they can distinguish you from other businesses.

Organize a Fan of the Month Contest

This ongoing post idea will get you new content regularly. Celebrate your customers by having a fan of the month contest.

Encourage your followers to post an original picture with your product. Specify that they need to use a specific hashtag that will enable you to revise all their photos.

Of course, you’ll need a prize so pick out one of your newest or most popular products to entice the followers to enter the contest. The prize can also be a ticket to an event, webinar or whatever you find suitable.

With time, this can become your tradition and something that the social media users will know you by.

Are You Ready for Social Media Commitment?

These post ideas can inspire you to give life to your business’s social media profiles. But keep in mind that none of it will matter unless you commit to this marketing strategy. Therefore, you need to make sure that you upload content consistently.

Only consistency will increase your social media presence, improve engagement with the followers, raise brand awareness, and build a trusting relationship with the audience. Social media allows creative freedom so open up your mind to interesting ideas. You know your target audience best so keep their preferences and likes in mind and pick the post’s type accordingly.

Bio: Bridgette Hernandez is a Master in Anthropology who is interested in writing and is planning to publish her own book in the near future.  She works with professional writing companies as a writer, Brid also does some editing work BestEssayEducation. The texts she writes are always informative, based on qualitative research but nevertheless pleasant to read. Brid occasionally writes blogs for FlyWriting. 

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A passionate student of Japanese and International Business, interested in marketing and advertising. Experienced copywriter and translator in English, Polish and Japanese.