3D posts – new feature on Facebook

Facebook developers have been surprising us over the years. They have already implemented ways to publish gifs, live broadcasts and 360° panoramic posts, so we are able to influence on user engagement more and more. At the beginning of the year 2018, they have also launched another feature – 3D posts. What is that and...

Facebook developers have been surprising us over the years. They have already implemented ways to publish gifs, live broadcasts and 360° panoramic posts, so we are able to influence on user engagement more and more. At the beginning of the year 2018, they have also launched another feature – 3D posts. What is that and how can we create them?

Actually, 3D posts are nothing different than perfectly known to us 3D technology, that has been moved into a social media platform. Nowadays, we use VR (Virtual Reality), 3D and other similar technologies almost every day. We could say, that Mark Zuckerberg is predictable, but keeping in mind how looks a consumer market today – he chose a very obvious development direction.

How does new 3D post look like? A three-dimensional model is displayed in the same way as common posts. However, what is interesting – we can interact with it deeper than before. It means, that we can move, scroll and rotate our device and the graphics will be automatically changing according to moves we currently do.

How can we use 3D posts?

It is well known, that Real-Time Marketing has a big power, therefore various brands have seen a potential here very quickly. They started the race in creating the most creative content related to their profession. Some of them use it for image campaigns, for example, creators of Jurassic World movie:

Other companies use 3D posts to present their products. For instance, furniture selling company called Wayfair uses 3D posts like so:

We cannot forget about LEGO, which loves this kind of new features and it is always one of the first players to try new possibilities of social media marketing. They showed an inspiring model of a Squark!

Is creating 3D posts easy?

Everyone is able to create and publish 3D posts. Regardless, if you have private or company account, fanpage, group or event – you can publish it everywhere you want on Facebook. At the moment the only downside is that we cannot boost that post yet.

Publication of the post is quite simple – we just have to upload our 3D graphic and choose a background from the list. Obviously creating this kind of graphic is more difficult, but do not you give up just yet. We have a huge amount of possibilities.

You can use popular graphics programmes like Adobe Photoshop or Paint 3D, but also (recommended for users with bigger experience in 3D design) more advanced Blender and MODO. If you do not have any of them – you can use completely free online creators such as Vectary. It gives us a lot of advanced functions, although, thanks to video tutorials it seems to be a good place to start an adventure with the 3D design.

While creating 3D posts you have to remember that currently Facebook allows only for giTF 2.0 post format and the file cannot be bigger than 3 MB. Developers explain that this is the best way to achieve a very realistic rendering of the image.

What about you? Have you already tried to create and publish a 3D post? If so, show us your examples in comments below!

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Postfity is a social media management platform that helps users schedule and manage their posts on various social media channels. It allows individuals and businesses to plan and automate their social media content across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others.