
What Functionalities does Postfity have to offer?

What are the main functionalities and advantages of our scheduling tool Postfity? Postfity is a social media management tool that helps you with publishing and analyzing the outcome and conversion of your posted content. Within the last few months, we have added a lot of new functionalities to our platform. We would like to bring…

What are the Best Times to Post on Social Media?

Sometimes you may have great material, select best images, raise a very interesting and original topic… but the post gets little to none engagement, while the previous post, linking to an old and outdated article is gaining more popularity. Things like this can occur when you post content at random time of a day or…

How to Develop a Successful Facebook Audience in 4 Steps

The marketing culture has completely changed over the course of the past 20 years. To become successful in the marketing and advertising industry, companies and individuals must begin to adapt and utilize new forms of marketing and advertising. Today, the most utilized and widely recognized form of marketing and advertising is Facebook Advertising. This should…