
Three Easy Steps to develop a successful Facebook Ad

  It`s commonly known that Facebook advertising is one of the most popular and preferred methods of paid advertising in the marketing industry. Facebook has developed an unstoppable and incomparable platform for paid advertising that, through proper design, technique and copywriting and ad can develop a tenfold return on investment. Sadly, according to a study, only…

The Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Subscribers

When it comes to driving sales, and leads, one of most effective tools that a website has is emails. The truth is, social media marketing, while quite popular in 2017, is not the best form of marketing. In fact, time and time again the experts always point back to establishing and growing a list of…

Tone of voice – your brand’s personality

Did you ever think about your brand’s tone of voice?  And have you wondered how it turns people to your brand? What’s your voice? Ok, you definitely use a variety of channels, including social media, to communicate with your audience. But have you ever thought about how consistent this communication is? What makes people remember…

Do you need to use emoji?

Do you really have to use emoji in your brand’s communication? Emotions seem to be the clue in social media communication. Are they really necessary, when you represent your brand? Short history of emoji Emojis are based on the Japanese art of manga. Before emojis, there were emoticons to express person’s feelings or mood. They…